Agriculture · beef · cattle · Farming · Women

Spring Update Part 2

Last week I posted an update of what’s going on this time of year on our farm.

I shared how our veterinarian would be visiting our farm on April 11 to determine which of our cows were successfully bred after having a bull in the herd for three months.

On Monday afternoon, I was patiently waiting at home by the phone for my husband to text me when the vet was at the farm. The minute I got his message I threw on my barn clothes and hopped into the car for my 1/2 mile drive.

I was not paying attention to the garage door and backed right into it before it was completely up. Needless to say, I was excited.

For good reason too. After checking each cow, this year our conception rate was 85% and we are very pleased with that.

I confessed to my husband about the garage door incident later that night. The car will need a little paint touch up and thankfully the door suffered no significant damage.

Now that we know which of our cows are pregnant and which are not, we can move forward with selling them to our prospective buyers.

Yes, that’s my other confession, my Suburban Beef Blog will soon be beef-less.

To be continued…

Beef in the bunkline
Without my cattle my wallet would be full, my house would be clean, but my heart would be empty. 

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